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React usage

Use a gluon

Once you have a gluon, you can't directly use it in your component because it's not reactive.

To use a gluon in your component, you need to use the useGluon hook and pass the gluon as argument.

import { gluon } from "stayte";
import { useGluon } from "stayte/react";

const countGluon = gluon('count', {
from: 'query',
defaultValue: 10

function Counter() {
const count = useGluon(countGluon)

return (
<button onClick={() => count.value++}>
count: {count.value} // count: 10

If you are using the useGluon hook, you can use the value property to get the value of the gluon.

To update a gluon from a component

You can update a gluon from a component by using the set from the original gluon or simply assigning the value to the value property of the gluon.

import { useGluon } from "stayte/react";
import { countGluon } from "./gluon";

const Count = () => {
const count = useGluon(countGluon)

const increment = () => {
count.value = count.value + 1 // <-- this will trigger a render
// or
countGluon.set(count.value + 1) // <-- this will trigger a render
// or
count.gluon.set(count.value + 1) // <-- this will trigger a render

return <button onClick={increment}>
count: {count.value}

useGluon return

The useGluon hook return a proxy of the gluon that will be reactive.

it is containing the following properties:

  • value: the value of the gluon
  • error: the error of the gluon
  • gluon: the original gluon

Direct declaration

You can also use the useGluon to declare a gluon directly in your component, it's useful when you don't want to share the gluon between components and you want use the power of the gluon in your component.

// no need to declare the gluon outside of the component
import { useGluon } from "stayte/react";

function Counter() {
const count = useGluon('count', {
from: 'query',
defaultValue: 10

return <button onClick={() => count.value++}>
count: {count.value}